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Its official: The ‘Safe Schools’ programme is Marxist Indoctrination

March 1, 2016

The Safe Schools Coalition architect Roz Ward is a hard core radical leftist activists.

La Trobe University Staff profile

Ms Roz Ward

Coordinator, Safe Schools Coalition Victoria

College of Science, Health and Engineering
School of Psychology and Public Health
Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society

Ms Ward is a well-known writer for the ‘Socialist Alternative‘ paper called ‘Red Flag‘.


According to the Socialist Alternative Website

Statement of Principles

SOCIALIST ALTERNATIVE is a revolutionary Marxist organisation. We stand for the overthrow of capitalism and the construction of a world socialist system.

SOCIALISM CANNOT be won by reform of the current system or by taking over the existing state. Only the revolutionary overthrow of the existing order and the smashing of the capitalist state apparatus can defeat the capitalist class and permanently end its rule. A successful revolution will involve workers taking control of their workplaces, dismantling existing state institutions (parliaments, courts, the armed forces and police) and replacing them with an entirely new state based on genuinely democratic control by the working class.

WE OPPOSE all oppression on the basis of sex, gender or sexuality. We oppose all forms of discrimination against women and all forms of social inequality between men and women. The struggle for freedom from exploitation and freedom from all forms of oppression includes the liberation of lesbians, gay men, bisexual, transgender and intersex people. We fight for an end to all legal and social discrimination against LGBTI people and all forms of sexist discrimination. We support full reproductive freedom for all women.

The Socialist Alternative is another Trotsky based Marxist organisation that is dedicated to the revolutionary overthrow and ‘dismantling existing state institutions (parliaments, courts, the armed forces and police)’.

In anyone’s book these are radical principles that strive to destroy the institutions of society in order to replace them with Marxist Institutions.


Roz Ward has also been busy giving presentations like this:

Presentation from Roz Ward

 The most recent PiP network meeting was held on May 18th (2011) on the topic ‘Working with and Supporting Sexual Diversity in Youth’. Roz Ward from the Rainbow Network and Safe Schools Coalition gave an excellent presentation on homophobia in schools including exploring the findings of recent research in this area.

If you missed the meeting you can access Roz’s presenation here: Ross Ward PIP Presentation 18 May 2011

If you are interested in joining or finding out more about the Rainbow Network you can do that

To find out more about the Safe Schools Coalition Victoria check

It appears that Roz Ward has been able to hide the true agenda of the Safe Schools programme from the general public.  The programme was given $8 million funding from the previous Gillard Labour Government.

Editorial Comment:

My opinion of Ms Gillard declines every day.  It was her government that approved this rubbish.  This is cultural vandalism dressed up as an anti-bullying programme.  Sad but true, the Cultural Marxists will do anything to indoctrinate children to their agendas.

Ex-PM Gillard has a lot to answer for in this scandal.

But first kill its funding before the damage is done.

Editorial Addendum:

I thought that Roz Ward’s name sounded familiar. From the Marxism conference in 2013.


Roz Ward is a delegate in the National Tertiary Education Union at La Trobe University. After growing up in Thatcher’s Britain, she moved to Australia and joined… link here

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