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The Ukraine War may be over. Video Update.

February 12, 2024

The Ukraine War may be over. Video Update.

Editorial Comment:

It looks as if the Ukraine War will end with Russia victorious. Ukraine is out of weapons and combat soldiers.

In the next few months will see whether Zelenski is forced out by his own people.

Israel vs Hamas latest updates – Video

October 22, 2023

Israel vs Hamas latest updates – Video

Editorial Comment:

Ignore all the noisy protest in the west. The actual war on Hamas takes place elsewhere.
This update give a much clearer picture of what is happening without the emotive spatter pictures and chest beating of activists.
My prediction is that Hamas will be eliminated completely.

Australia: Voice to Parliament Referendum Defeated

October 16, 2023

Australia: Voice to Parliament Referendum Defeated

It has been a very annoying six months of constant propaganda about the indigenous voice to parliament. The theory that Australia needed a representative body of Aboriginal and Torres Straight people to parliament has been overwhelming defeated in a referendum held on 14th October 2023. The final results are still being counted but it look like over 60% of voters were dead against the change to their constitution. The polls closed at 6pm on Saturday night and within an hour of counting news panels were predicting the result. By 7.30pm some television panels were already declaring that the vote had been lost. This was even before the Western Australian vote count had started. In the history proposals this one was so soundly rejected by the Australian public that it will never be put to referendum again.

The main promoters of the referendum are now on social media and broadcast media with dour looks on their faces as they try to explain where it all went wrong. So many want to blame, Peter Dutton, leader of the opposition for opposing their grand scheme. Others blame unidentified mysterious actors who bought the vote. Some are blaming Prime Minister Anthony Albanese for not being a good enough salesman. Others blame the Australian people, calling the backward and racist for not installing a race based advisory panel into the Australian constitution. Darker voices want to impose censorship in the form of so called ‘media disinformation laws’. I am yet to see any of them facing reality and question whether they were selling a terrible proposal.

This was the whole problem with the referendum. It was took one reasonable proposal of recognition of aboriginal existence in the constitution and combined it with a terrible proposal of a constitutionally enshrined advisory body to parliament. The first part of the proposal was benign and could have been added to the preamble of the constitution without affecting the legislative powers. The second proposal creates a whole other world of powers and challenges to the core of Australia’s constitution. This part was sold as a mere advisory body but the definition of such a body, its responsibilities, powers, membership and budget were never explained. It was just vague mess of emotional platitudes that would be implemented into laws. The Prime Minister had flatly refused to explain how these laws would work and how people would be selected to this advisory panel. Nor did he explain how disputes would avoid being settled in the Australian High Court. In a world where vagueness it the heart of deception, a vague change to the constitution looked like a nightmare. The voting public of Australia have always wanted to help people in need but they are very wary of wealthy elite activists helping themselves to high paying government jobs, unelected positions of great power and hidden agendas to destroy their lives.

Australian history show that its people are extremely wary of changes to its constitution. Very few changes have been made in its 120 year history. None have made it without by-partisan support of both the major political parties in Australia. This referendum was missing so many of the preconditions for a successful vote that it should never have gone forward. There was no constitution convention, no consultation with the general public, there were willingness to accept modification, the proposal of recognition was never separated from the issue of an advisory body. Inevitably the notion of the advisory body sank any chance of constitutional recognition. In short people were expected to sign a blank cheque to a government funded lobby group that could never be sacked or disbanded. Throwing in the free steak knives, such as recognition, does not make this con look more attractive.

The vote is lost and the madness of of disappointment continues. Like wounded animals the disappointed YES promoters are lashing out. “We are nation of racists” the cry. They have set aboriginal flags to half mask, as if someone died. They think, despite outspending the NO camp by at least 8 to 1 that they were somehow cheated. Corporations like QANTAS emblazoned their planes with the YES logo. University boards to their staff that they support the YES vote. Social media was flooded with YES ads and promoters. They called us heartless and bigots. They claimed “history was calling”. “If not now, when?” As if this some moral duty that everyone must accept. The inevitable absurdity of being on “the right side of history” as if history has sides.

The licking of wounds will go on for some time yet as the minority known as the YES camp believe that 60% of the population of Australia are just to stupid to do as they were told.

Here are some samples of post election blues:


The ‘no’ campaign’s scare campaign of lies and hatred exposed mainstream and social media’s complete ineptitude to hold anyone accountable for disinformation. Lies were platformed everywhere from @abcnews to TikTok and allowed to fester and manipulate. An inquiry is needed.

Sahar Adatia


If Dutton thinks he will benefit from the Voice failing, he is wrong. His No vote ploys forever link him to division, racists, neo-Nazis, misinformation & politics so petty he cared more to hurt Albo than help First Nations. Australians see him. #Referendum2023 #auspol #insiders

Adam Bandt

Today is a very hard day. To First Nations people who are hurting tonight, and the broader community who campaigned for Yes, I share your sadness and disappointment. The Referendum outcome follows a Trumpian campaign of misinformation led by Peter Dutton.

Reporter Stands by Story of Hamas Massacring Babies, Reveals Another Horror

October 16, 2023

Reporter Stands by Story of Hamas Massacring Babies, Reveals Another Horror

Editorial Comment:

There is a large number of Hamas apologists try to claim that this story is fake and the picture of a burnt baby that was released by the Israeli is just a burnt puppy. Such people will never pace the reality that terrorism is terrorism.

Hamas Attack: Hell is empty and all the devils are here

October 13, 2023

Hamas Attack: Hell is empty and all the devils are here

I am having a very bad case of de-ja-vu after seeing the recent attacks by Hamas on the civilians in Israel. The images in the media and on the internet are as horrific as they are depressing. It makes any sane person question their faith in mankind. What kind of people attack harmless party goers at a dance festival? What kind of people gun down civilians and burn them in their own homes? What kind of people behead babies? What kind of people rape and kidnap women and children then threaten to kill them on social media to make their point? What is their point? How can such evils ever be justified. No grievance can justify murdering the innocent. These are questions that weigh heavy on the shoulder whenever such unspeakable horrors are committed by one group of humans against another.

The problem is never the grievance. The problem is the method chosen to air any such grievance. Hamas are without any question terrorists. These are not freedom fighters striking out in self-defence. They are people who have decide that horror and murder is the best tactic they can use at this moment. Their ultimate goal as stipulated in their own policies is the complete destruction of Israel and the extermination of all its people.

When researching my book on the Sri Lankan civil war, called ‘The Rise and Fall of the Tamil Tigers’, I came across many examples of similar tactics being used. These are the tactics of terrorist, not those of soldiers defending their land or their people. They were the tactics specifically designed to either instil fear or to provoke a backlash that they could point to as justification for their next attack or suicide bombing. Terrorists do not think in terms of fair, mercy or compassion even for their own people. They think in terms of winning a spectacular victory through spectacular and ruthless means. Violence is used because violence is spectacular. Violence is definitive. Violence draws attention. Violence is terrifying. Terrorism only works because good people cannot imagine how anyone could contemplate doing such vile things that they do. Terrorism works because people are frightened when they see the face of evil. Terrorism works when our leaders are weak and cowardly. Terrorism works when the moral direction of a society cannot tell the difference between good and evil. So, governments that should know what to do vacillate and hesitate to answer the threat until it is too late and the terrorist are going house to house to bath in the blood of victims.

One of the captured Hamas terrorist was interrogated, a video extract has been already published on social media. He was asked why they took the women and children. His answer was to rape them. Why? To soil them. To make them dirty. Such is the mind of a terrorist. It is not enough merely to kill the enemy, they were ordered to ‘soil’ them through rape. Whoever gave these orders is deserving of whatever punishment they receive, but they are not the only ones.

The reaction from the world should have been swift condemnation but instead it has been mixed. The weakness of the leaders in the west is on full display as pro-Hamas demonstrators celebrate the carnage in the streets. There are people delighting as they show picture of dead Israeli women and children to the crowd. In Sydney Australia a crowd of Hamas supporters were chanting, “Kill the Jews…Gas the Jews…” This is monstrous to witness and something that the west has yet to comprehend. Mass demonstrations are going ahead all over the world: in France, Britain, USA and Australia. Friday 13th October has been declared a “Day of Jihad” by Hamas. There is no nuance in their messaging. They want to kill Jews.

Suddenly the west is facing crisis of its own making. This a crisis of dancing with their enemies and inviting them to migrate to their lands. People who dance in the streets and celebrate terrorist massacres are not the type of people who will listen to reason. My personal opinion is that anyone who is shouting “Gas the Jews” have forfeited their right to civil society and should be treated as such.

So long as Hamas is celebrated in western nations there will be no end to their terrorism. Terrorist organisation do become more sophisticated over time. Eventually they start to tap into diasporas in the west to raise millions of dollars and recruit loyal cadres for their future bloody actions. The type of people who dance in the streets and celebrate the slaughter of women and children will accomodate.

Promo Video for the “Illuminiods” book

June 3, 2023

Promo Video for the “Illuminiods” book.

Good News- Rise and Fall of the Tamil Tigers in the 100 Sri Lankan History books at Amazon

May 31, 2023

Good News- Rise and Fall of the Tamil Tigers in the 100 Sri Lankan History books at Amazon

Editorial Comment:

Ranked at #49 in the Top 100 books on Sri Lankan history.

Published by and distributed to Amazon and other book vendors.